Tuesday, October 5, 2010

It Works for Us

Thanks to a smart neighbor we started a new conference weekend tradition. Each October Conference for the past few years, I have found a fun and somewhat easy way to rotate the food in our 72 hour kits.

1. Remember to buy the new supplies a few days before
2. While watching Conference, everybody gets to take out the old food from their backpack (and look at all the other cool stuff in there!)
3. Put it all in a big bowl and have special goodies to eat during conference
4. Everyone packs new food into their own backpack for next year!

So far it has been kinda fun and worked out pretty good for us, plus it is an easy way to remember to rotate food.
*Bonus, it is usually case lot sale time!*

1 comment:

Cami said...

What do you store it in and could you get me a list of the stuff you buy for it. I'm trying to find a more productive way. I mean to do this every october but it never happens.